Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:30 - 1
Name:Carl Albert Lindhagen
Year, Birth:1860
Year, Death:1946
Profession:Former mayor of Stockholm. Member of the Swedish parliament 1897-1917, 1919-1940
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Motivation:Lindhagen actively worked for a joint Scandinavian effort to promote civil law, and he also advocated disarmament and co-operation based on international law. He was a prominent member of the radical peace movement, and in 1932 he initiated a "People's Parliament". Its aim was to advocate disarmament issues.
Name: The Lithuanian Government
Profession:Members of government
Comments: Lindhagen was one of legal advisor to the Alfred Nobel estate; in effect he became an associate executor. He also drafted the Nobel Foundation Charter in 1899. Lithuania was independent from 1918 until 1940, when it was incorporated into the U.S.S.R. as one of its constituent republics. The nomination was initiated by the Lithuanian government and submitted through the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.