Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:20 - 1
Name:Bo Östen Undén
Year, Birth:1886
Year, Death:1974
Profession:Professor of Law. Former Foreign Minister (1924-1926).
University:Uppsala University
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Motivation:Undén was a delegate to the League of Nations 1921-1926 and he was member of the Council of the League 1924-1926. Advocate of Swedish neutrality. Undén was nominated for his efforts to settle the controversies over the expansion of the Council of the League of Nations in 1926. The problem arose when Germany sought a permanent seat on the council, an important matter to the German delegation during the Locarno negotiations. This was opposed by some countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, unless permanent seats on the Council were granted other states as well. Undén and the Swedish delegation were willing to sacrifice Swedish representation on the Council in order to prevent an expansion beyond the German seat, a policy that solved the problem.
Name:Wilhelm Keilhau
Profession:Advisor to the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
University:University of Oslo
Country:NORWAY (NO)