Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:19 - 26
Name:Frédéric Passy
Year, Birth:1822
Year, Death:1912
Profession:Pioneer peace worker. Organizer of peace societies and congresses. Co-founder of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Country:FRANCE (FR)
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1901
Motivation:Passy's career as a peace worker began in 1856 with his opposition to the Crimean War. In 1867 he founded the first French peace society (Ligue internationale et permanente de la paix). Passy promoted free trade, pacifism, international law and arbitration. As a member of parliament (1881-1889), Passy also contributed to the founding of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Name:Count Nigra
Profession:Former Italian ambassador to Austria. Sentator.
Country:ITALY (IT)
Comments: Nigra wanted the Norwegian Nobel Committee to bestow an honorary peace award on Czar Nikolai II of Russia for his initiative that resulted in the 1899 Hague Peace Conference. In addition, Nigra wished that the Nobel Committee would divide the prize money between some worthy peace workers, namely Frédéric Passy, Bertha von Suttner and Jean de Bloch.