Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:16 - 4
Name:Carlos Saavedra Lamas
Year, Birth:1878
Year, Death:1959
Profession:Professor of International Law and Labor Law. Foreign Minister (1932-38).
City:Buenos Aires
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1936
Motivation:When Saavedra Lamas became foreign minister in 1932 he brought Argentina back into active participation in the League of Nations. Saavedra Lamas drafted the Antiwar Pact of 1934, and it was signed by Italy, USA and 14 Latin-American countries. The Antiwar Pact of 1934 was intended as a means to secure an armistice in the Gran Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay. It condemned all forms of aggressive war, and any territorial change not effected by peaceful means was not to be recognized.
Name:Leopoldo Melo
Profession:Professor of Law
University:University of Buenos Aires
City:Buenos Aires
Comments: The International Mediation Committee concisted of representatives from Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay and the United States. A committee (Commissiòn Nacional de Homenaje al Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, dr. Carlos Saavedra lamas) was established in order to promote Saavedra Lamas' candidacy.