Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:14 - 7
Name:Ludwig Quidde
Year, Birth:1858
Year, Death:1941
Profession:Veteran peace leader. Historian. Journalist. Chairman of the German Peace Society.
Country:GERMANY (DE)
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Motivation:Quidde joined the German Peace Society in 1892 (chairman 1914-1929), and in 1894 he founded a peace association in Munich. He was a prominent advocate of peace and pacifism. From 1907 to 1919 Quidde was a liberal member of the Bavarian parliament and member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. In 1919 he joined the Democratic Party and from 1919 to 1920 he served as a member of the National Assembly. He denounced the German war-guilt clause of the Versailles Treaty and he opposed the revival of German militarism. He was chairman of the German Peace Cartel 1921-29. Quidde advocated German admittance to the League of Nations.
Name:Walther Adrian Schücking
Year, Birth:1875
Year, Death:1935
Profession:Member of the German parliament. Professor of Law (Jurisprudence).
University:University of Marburg
Country:GERMANY (DE)
Comments: The nomination was made on behalf of the German Inter-Parliamentary Group.