Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:13 - 8
Nominee 1:
Name:Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Year, Birth:1856
Year, Death:1924
Profession:President (1913-1921).
City:Washington, DC
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1919
Nominee 2:
Name:Hans Jakob Horst
Year, Birth:1848
Year, Death:1931
Profession:Educator. Member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (1901-1931).
University:Kristiania University
City:Kristiania (now Oslo)
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Motivation:Wilson advocated international law and arbitration. In January 1917 he had made an unsuccessful attempt to persuade the belligerents to end the war, calling for a "peace without victory". After the USA had entered the war, Wilson outlined his view on a post-war settlement through his "Fourteen points". These became the guiding principles for the Paris Peace Conference (1919-20), and included the establishment of the League of Nations. However, Wilson failed to obtain ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, and the USA did not join the League of Nations. Horst represented the Norwegian parliament at the first Inter-Parliamentary Peace Conference in 1890. He was chairman of the Norwegian Peace Association and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague.
Name:Otto Albert Blehr
Profession:Jurist. Member of the Norwegian government. Former Prime Minister.
City:Kristiania (now Oslo)
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Comments: Blehr nominated Wilson for the reserved prize of 1919 and Horst for the prize of 1920. In 1920 Wilson received the reserved prize for 1919.