Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:13 - 1
Name:Carl Albert Lindhagen
Year, Birth:1860
Year, Death:1946
Profession:Mayor of Stockholm. Member of the Swedish parliament 1897-1917, 1919-1940.
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Motivation:Lindhagen contributed to the peaceful dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian union in 1905. In 1909 he joined the social democratic party, but after the Russian revolution he became associated with a more leftist socialist group and communists. Lindhagen supported female suffrage and social reform, and he advocated disarmament and international co-operation based on international law. He was a prominent member of the radical peace movement.
Name:Elof Lindberg
Profession:Member of the Swedish parliament
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Comments: Lindhagen was one of legal advisor to the Alfred Nobel estate; in effect he became an associate executor. He also drafted the Nobel Foundation Charter in 1899. The nomination was supported by four other members of the Swedish parliament. The Nobel Committee later received a petition in favor of Lindhagen's candidacy signed by 64 274 Swedes.