Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:7 - 2
Name:Paul Henri Benjamin Balluet d`Estournelles de Constant (Baron de Constant de Rébecque)
Year, Birth:1852
Year, Death:1924
Profession:Former diplomat. Member of the French parliament. Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague.
Country:FRANCE (FR)
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1909
Motivation:D'Estournelles represented France at The Hague Peace Conference in 1899. He attempted to get acceptance for the principle of compulsory arbitration, but this was not possible. After the conference he strongly promoted the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and he founded the French Groupe de l'Arbitrage in 1903. D'Estournelles advocated Franco-German conciliation and wanted a European federation.
Name:Richard Kleen
Profession:Member of the Institute of International Law
Country:SWEDEN (SE)
Comments: Full name: Paul Henri Benjamin Balluet, Baron d'Estournelles de Constant de Rébecque. Kleen primarily nominated Gustave Moynier. Barclay and d'Estournelles de Constant were his secondary choices.