Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:7 - 1
Name:Jean Henry Dunant
Year, Birth:1828
Year, Death:1910
Profession:Founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1901
Motivation:Dunant was one of the founders of the International Committee of the Red Cross and he was the initiator of the Geneva Convention.
Name:Bernhard Getz
Profession:Attourney General of Norway. Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (1897-1901).
City:Kristiania (now Oslo)
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Comments: Getz nominated Dunant twice. He himself nominated Dunant in February 1901, and in March he nominated Dunant on behalf of Norske Kvinders Sanitetsforening (The Norwegian Women's Sanitary Association). Bernard Getz died in 1901. Jørgen Løvland became the new chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and Hans Jacob Horst became a new member of the Committee. Getz died before the committee had reached its decision as to who would receive the peace prize.