Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:1 - 1
Name: Albert I
Year, Birth:1875
Year, Death:1934
Profession:King of Belgium (1909-34).
Country:BELGIUM (BE)
Motivation:Albert I was nominated for his national sacrifice in order to uphold the idea of international law during World War I.
Name:Adolfo Sacerdoti
Profession:Professor of Law. Member of the Institute of International Law.
City:Padua (Padova)
Country:ITALY (IT)
Comments: The nominations in favour of AlbertI were the result of the initiative taken in 1915 by Sacerdoti and possibly the lawyer Clunet from Paris. At first they had suggested the Belgian people, but the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee told them that this nomination would not likely be taken into consideration. They then nominated the Belgian King Albert I.