Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:6 - 4
Nominee 1:
Name:Élie Ducommun
Year, Birth:1833
Year, Death:1906
Profession:Veteran peace advocate. Honorary secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1902
Nominee 2:
Name: The Permanent International Peace Bureau
Profession:Central office through which peace activities could be coordinated
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1910
Motivation:Ducommun was the unpaid leader of the Permanent International Peace Bureau, and his work was therefore closely connected to it. He actively started working for peace in 1867 when he participated at the foundation of Ligue de la Paix et de la Liberté. Ducommun advocated a pragmatic and practical approach to peace work, and he promoted international arbitration. The Peace Bureau organized peace conferences, and it collected and published peace literature. It was the heart of the European peace movement, and it co-ordinated the activities of the various national and non-governmental peace organizations.
Name:Émile Arnaud
Year, Birth:1864
Year, Death:1921
Profession:Lawyer. Member of the Commission of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.
Country:FRANCE (FR)
Comments: Arnaud suggested the two nominees as two independent candidates. His subsidiary suggestion was an equally divided prize between the two nominees.